Do a good control check and have a worry-free Spring Festival

The New Year is just around the corner, are you all ready?

As the New Crown Virus is still rampant, we must take precautions when travelling.

As well as personal health protection, as Jamf Pro administrators, you must also protect your servers and endpoints from foreign intrusion and the risk of data loss and leakage. A few suggestions are as follows:

Jamf Pro Server:

1.Check whether Jamf Pro database backup is normal, and make off-site backup.
2.Upgrade Jamf Pro to the latest version to avoid malicious attacks due to security vulnerabilities.
3.Review Jamf Pro administrator account login logs and close or disable unnecessary accounts.
4.Check the LDAP integration settings for expired integration account passwords. An expired integration account password will prevent your AD account from logging into the Jamf Pro admin backend.
5.Check the SMTP integration configuration to ensure that email notifications are functioning properly.
6.Check the expiration dates of SSL certificates and MDM push certificates in Jamf Pro and update them immediately.
7.If Jamf Pro does not have public network resolution, ensure that the Jamf Pro server and management console can be accessed via VPN.

For end devices that are taken away from the company:

1.Remind users to back up their data.
2.Disable automatic account login via policy.
3.Disable simple passwords and enable password policies.
4.Enable disk encryption to secure endpoint data.
5.Review the disk encryption recovery key validity.

Finally, I wish you all a happy new year in advance!

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