Multiple ways to register your device

Registration is the process of adding a macOS, iOS or tvOS device to Jamf Pro. Registration submits the device’s inventory information to Jamf Pro and also makes the device subject to Jamf Pro’s management, which will allow you to perform inventory tasks as well as remote management and configuration tasks on the device. Jamf Pro offers several registration options for different device types.

For macOS devices, Jamf Pro offers the following:

– User-Initiated Enrollment (UIE): You can allow users to visit and login to the enrollment URL and follow the wizard instructions to complete their device enrollment. Depending on the version of macOS, Jamf Pro will prompt the user to download the MDM profile or QuickAdd package during this enrolment.

– Using PreStage Enrollment: PreStage enrollment allows you to preset the enrollment and configuration information in Jamf Pro and use them to enroll new devices through Jamf Pro. In addition to reducing the amount of time and interaction required to prepare a new device, this approach makes the device MDM-enabled. This approach requires an Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) account, now fully upgraded to Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager.

– Using QuickAdd packages created by Recon: You can use Recon to create a QuickAdd package that registers the device at installation time. This type of QuickAdd package can be deployed using almost any type of deployment payroll, such as Apple Remote Desktop, and you can also make the package available for installation.

– Enrollment with Remote Login: You can remotely enroll multiple devices within a specified IP or range of IPs using the network scanner in Recon, which requires that the host performing the scan be able to connect to the remote device via SSH.

– Recon Local Registration: You can run local registration on the computer where Recon is installed.

– Using Jamf Imaging: You can use the Jamf Imaging tool to deploy configured and enrolled computers.


For iOS devices, Jamf Pro offers the following.

– User-initiated Enrollment: You can allow users to visit and log in to the enrollment URL and follow the wizard instructions to install the necessary certificate files and configuration files to complete the enrollment. You can send this registration URL via Jamf Pro email or SMS invitation.

– Using an Enrollment Profile: You can use a profile created by Jamf Pro and install it on a device connected to your computer via USB. This registration method requires Apple Configurator.

– Registration with PreStage: PreStage registration allows you to preset registration and configuration information in Jamf Pro and use them to register iOS and tvOS devices with Jamf Pro.

– Registering with Apple Configurator: You can connect your device to your computer via USB and use the Apple Configurator2 registration URL to register the device.


Above are the various ways to register macOS and iOS devices, you can choose the appropriate way to register your device according to your actual environment.

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