How to Manage Apple Devices Effectively

Due to the significant advantages of macOS and iOS, Apple devices are increasingly being used by enterprises, governments and educational institutions, so how to effectively solve some of the problems encountered in the management process? For example, how to install different applications to the user’s computer, how to ensure that the use of the device is in line with the policy, how to prevent the leakage of confidential information, how to carry out remote control etc. In the process of actual management, there are more and more problems, and it is clear that through the increase of technical support of human resources can not achieve the purpose of cost savings and improve efficiency. At this point, it is especially important to have a suitable management software.

Now let us imagine a few possible scenarios, so as to compare the management of equipment through the personnel and through the MDM management of the equipment of the biggest difference.


Scenario 1:

All personnel can not work without software, and the software is constantly updating the version to solve the existing bugs or add some new features. If the deployment of the Outlook client is sometimes unable to view and download attachments and often pop-up reminders of expired events, although the official workaround, but for the user will still have some impact (the reality of this problem does exist), then there are now IT administrators need to pay attention to two issues:

(1) how to get the notification of new version update in time.

(2) How to distribute and deploy the updated version to every user’s computer as fast as possible to solve the problem and improve the user’s trust and satisfaction with the IT department.

The usual practice without MDM would be:

(a) Regularly check whether the new version is released or set up automatic update in their Outlook client.

(b) When an update is released, users are notified by email to check for the download and install the update themselves or IT staff will go to their computers one by one to install the update.

(c) Download and upload the update to internal file server and provide a link for users to download and install.

Disadvantages: Getting updates is not timely, even if automatic updates are set up, there is still a checking cycle; if automatic updates are set up for each user end, then each user end will download the updates once, which consumes the limited bandwidth resources; if users are allowed to update on their own, it is not possible to ensure that each user installs the updates; if IT personnel help to update the updates, then it is necessary to make an appointment with each user and the deployment of updates takes a long time, and the investment in personnel is large.

In the case of MDM:

(a) Subscribe to update alerts in MDM, and then administrators will receive the alerts at the first time.

(b) Download the update and push it to each user’s computer at the first time through MDM’s distribution policy and perform automatic installation.

Advantages: Get the update reminder at the first time; only need to download the update once from the Internet and distribute it through the intranet, which saves bandwidth; the push and installation of the update are all done remotely and automatically, which doesn’t require users to take any action and also reduces the workload of the IT staff; the installation of the update can be seen to ensure that all the devices get the update.


Scenario 2:

Usually, for the sake of management convenience, each user’s computer will be set up with the same administrator account and password.

Without MDM scenario usually:

(a) The administrator account needs to be created manually on each computer.

(b) If you need to change the password, you need to change it on each computer.

Disadvantages: If the password is not changed for a long time, if the password is leaked, it will affect the security of information in all computers; it is troublesome to change the password.

With MDM.

(a) Administrator accounts can be created and deleted remotely.

(b) Administrator passwords can be changed periodically, and the modes of change can be automatically executed remotely.

Advantage: The password can be changed or a new administrator account can be created remotely at regular intervals, which greatly improves the security.


I believe that through the above two practical scenarios, you can already see the power of MDM, with the help of MDM can not only better serve end-users, reduce the workload of IT, but also to a certain extent to reduce the risk of leakage of confidential information and save the cost of manpower in the enterprise.


Jamf Pro, a very good MDM software, whether it is the international market share or user growth rate or user stickiness are in a leading position, such excellent results due to the user’s trust in the product and the product’s powerful and convenient management features. According to statistics, up to 96% of users worldwide choose to renew their subscription every year. If you are looking for an MDM product, why not test it?

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