Document Accuracy

For enterprises, efficiency is productivity, and there is a strong demand for more efficient work and easier communication. Our office has also changed a lot in the continuous development and innovation of information technology.

The common working condition in the era of paper-based office is a telephone and a mountain of materials. With the development of the Internet era, computers have become an integral part of work. Most people to the unit every day, the first thing is to open the computer, to start a busy day of work: write programmes, make reports, drawings and so on. Gradually, the use of paper is becoming less and less, and even started a paperless office, electronic documents in the network shuttle, be delivered to the designated user.

A large apparel company has a new batch of employees, some of the new employee orientation materials, such as employee manuals, training materials, etc. need to be distributed to the hands of the new employees for them to learn after joining. On the first day of work, Xiao A received an office computer, logged in to the employee account, and then a video popped up, which firstly expressed the welcome to the new employees, and secondly explained that the folder of new employee materials had been placed on the desktop, and after opening it, you could see that there were employee manuals and onboarding training materials inside. Xiao A was instantly satisfied with the user-friendly management provided by the IT department.

A is mainly responsible for the promotional materials for the company’s new apparel launch, which are distributed to the iPads in all the shops in a timely manner. Xiao A edited the new promotional document and sent it to the IT department. 10 minutes later, she received a notification from IT that the new materials had been distributed to more than 1,000 iPads nationwide and that the new products could be synchronised and displayed to customers on the devices on the day of the release. Xiao A was instantly stunned and thought the IT department was really efficient.

So how did the IT department achieve document accuracy? It turns out that with Jamf Pro, IT staff can send specified documents to specified users or devices, and can set the corresponding trigger conditions, so that when users log in to their accounts, the operation of document distribution will be synchronised, or the documents can be sent to the devices in advance, and you can keep track of the status of the document distribution. Jamf Pro helps you to be smarter and more efficient in the distribution of documents!

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